Solutions Overview
Leading IT Solution company in Mumbai for latest IT Solutions
A G Digitas helps organizations in managing their operations using the latest & futuristic IT solutions to improve the efficiency and productivity of their team. This involves managing their End-points to Servers, Applications and securing their Data, Network reducing the TCO.
Our Solutions
A G Digitas offers several flexible business IT infrastructure options, such as server and network options & storage solutions.
Our security solutions enable organizations of all sizes to secure their network, systems, users and data with a deep level of protection without compromise network performance.
A wide range of surveillance cameras are available to meet an entire spectrum of security needs. We provide customers with a unified portfolio of Video Surveillance Solutions.
Mailing solutions based on G-suite, O365, MDaemon, Exchange. Easily migrate from old platforms to new one. Secure your emails with comprehensive Email Backup Solutions.
Reduced your IT Infastructure expense and achieve high up-time using our latest and secured Cloud Computing solutions.
Protective Infrastructure from latest threats, virus and hacking using our IT Security Solutions.
Prevent Data Loss using our advanced and automated data backup solutions for Servers, Desktops and Laptops.
Prevent unauthorised access to premises and monitor access using Biometric Access Control solution, Time & Attendance solution.
You don't need multiple computers for multiple users. Using our Thin client solutions you can share single PC with multiple users.
This will :
* Reduce your Capex by more than 50%(cost of yout IT infra)
* Reduce your year-on-year Maintenance cost by 50%(Opex)
* Better control on your user operations
* Reduced software cost by 75%
* Easy to scale up/down
* Power savings - upto 90%
Our Brands
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Get in Touch with Us
📱 +91-90290 00922
🏢 3, Shree Sai Samarth Complex
Gogatewadi, Goregaon(E)
Mumbai, 400063, India.
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